Fancy becoming an Official Brockleby’s Pie Taster?

Here at Brockleby’s we strive to continually improve and develop our range of delicious handmade pies. The feedback we receive is hugely important to us and as a valued customer we invite you to become an Official Pie Taster!

By signing up and becoming a Pie Taster you will:

  • Be in with a chance to be selected at random to taste test our pies FOR FREE. We’ll invite a select few panel members each month to review one large or three small Brockleby’s Pies.
  • Receive EXCLUSIVE PIETASTER OFFERS available to use across the Brockleby’s Website.
  • Get EARLY ACCESS to brand new pies!
  • Get EARLY ACCESS to promotional deals!

What happens If I’m picked at random to taste-test Brockleby’s pies?

Tasters will be chosen at random from our panel of Official Pie Tasters each month and will be invited to provide their considered and constructive feedback of the pies they have received. Selected panel members will be contacted via email or phone.


If this important tasty task is for you then, please join our panel by signing up!

Pie Taster Signup

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